LLM for Unity  v2.2.5
Create characters in Unity with LLMs!
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
3using System;
4using System.Collections.Generic;
5using System.IO;
6using System.Threading;
7using System.Threading.Tasks;
8using UnityEditor;
9using UnityEngine;
10using UnityEngine.Networking;
12namespace LLMUnity
14 [DefaultExecutionOrder(-2)]
19 public class LLMCharacter : MonoBehaviour
20 {
22 [HideInInspector] public bool advancedOptions = false;
24 [LocalRemote] public bool remote = false;
26 [Local] public LLM llm;
28 [Remote] public string host = "localhost";
30 [Remote] public int port = 13333;
32 [Remote] public int numRetries = 10;
34 [Remote] public string APIKey;
38 [LLM] public string save = "";
40 [LLM] public bool saveCache = false;
42 [LLM] public bool debugPrompt = false;
45 [Model] public bool stream = true;
47 [ModelAdvanced] public string grammar = null;
49 [ModelAdvanced] public bool cachePrompt = true;
51 [ModelAdvanced] public int slot = -1;
53 [ModelAdvanced] public int seed = 0;
58 [ModelAdvanced] public int numPredict = 256;
63 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 2f)] public float temperature = 0.2f;
66 [ModelAdvanced, Int(-1, 100)] public int topK = 40;
71 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float topP = 0.9f;
74 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float minP = 0.05f;
77 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 2f)] public float repeatPenalty = 1.1f;
80 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float presencePenalty = 0f;
83 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float frequencyPenalty = 0f;
86 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float tfsZ = 1f;
88 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float typicalP = 1f;
90 [ModelAdvanced, Int(0, 2048)] public int repeatLastN = 64;
92 [ModelAdvanced] public bool penalizeNl = true;
95 [ModelAdvanced] public string penaltyPrompt;
97 [ModelAdvanced, Int(0, 2)] public int mirostat = 0;
99 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 10f)] public float mirostatTau = 5f;
101 [ModelAdvanced, Float(0f, 1f)] public float mirostatEta = 0.1f;
103 [ModelAdvanced, Int(0, 10)] public int nProbs = 0;
105 [ModelAdvanced] public bool ignoreEos = false;
108 public int nKeep = -1;
110 public List<string> stop = new List<string>();
113 public Dictionary<int, string> logitBias = null;
116 [Chat] public string playerName = "user";
118 [Chat] public string AIName = "assistant";
120 [TextArea(5, 10), Chat] public string prompt = "A chat between a curious human and an artificial intelligence assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, and polite answers to the human's questions.";
122 public bool setNKeepToPrompt = true;
125 public List<ChatMessage> chat;
126 private SemaphoreSlim chatLock = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);
127 private string chatTemplate;
128 private ChatTemplate template = null;
129 public string grammarString;
130 private List<(string, string)> requestHeaders;
131 private List<UnityWebRequest> WIPRequests = new List<UnityWebRequest>();
143 public void Awake()
144 {
145 // Start the LLM server in a cross-platform way
146 if (!enabled) return;
148 requestHeaders = new List<(string, string)> { ("Content-Type", "application/json") };
149 if (!remote)
150 {
151 AssignLLM();
152 if (llm == null)
153 {
154 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"No LLM assigned or detected for LLMCharacter {name}!");
155 return;
156 }
157 int slotFromServer = llm.Register(this);
158 if (slot == -1) slot = slotFromServer;
159 }
160 else
161 {
162 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(APIKey)) requestHeaders.Add(("Authorization", "Bearer " + APIKey));
163 }
165 InitGrammar();
166 InitHistory();
167 }
169 void OnValidate()
170 {
171 AssignLLM();
172 if (llm != null && llm.parallelPrompts > -1 && (slot < -1 || slot >= llm.parallelPrompts)) LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"The slot needs to be between 0 and {llm.parallelPrompts-1}, or -1 to be automatically set");
173 }
175 void Reset()
176 {
177 AssignLLM();
178 }
180 void AssignLLM()
181 {
182 if (remote || llm != null) return;
185 if (existingLLMs.Length == 0) return;
187 SortBySceneAndHierarchy(existingLLMs);
188 llm = existingLLMs[0];
189 string msg = $"Assigning LLM {llm.name} to LLMCharacter {name}";
190 if (llm.gameObject.scene != gameObject.scene) msg += $" from scene {llm.gameObject.scene}";
191 LLMUnitySetup.Log(msg);
192 }
194 void SortBySceneAndHierarchy(LLM[] array)
195 {
196 for (int i = 0; i < array.Length - 1; i++)
197 {
198 bool swapped = false;
199 for (int j = 0; j < array.Length - i - 1; j++)
200 {
201 bool sameScene = array[j].gameObject.scene == array[j + 1].gameObject.scene;
202 bool swap = (
203 (!sameScene && array[j + 1].gameObject.scene == gameObject.scene) ||
204 (sameScene && array[j].transform.GetSiblingIndex() > array[j + 1].transform.GetSiblingIndex())
205 );
206 if (swap)
207 {
208 LLM temp = array[j];
209 array[j] = array[j + 1];
210 array[j + 1] = temp;
211 swapped = true;
212 }
213 }
214 if (!swapped) break;
215 }
216 }
218 protected void InitHistory()
219 {
220 InitPrompt();
221 _ = LoadHistory();
222 }
224 protected async Task LoadHistory()
225 {
226 if (save == "" || !File.Exists(GetJsonSavePath(save))) return;
227 await chatLock.WaitAsync(); // Acquire the lock
228 try
229 {
230 await Load(save);
231 }
232 finally
233 {
234 chatLock.Release(); // Release the lock
235 }
236 }
238 public virtual string GetSavePath(string filename)
239 {
240 return Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, filename).Replace('\\', '/');
241 }
243 public virtual string GetJsonSavePath(string filename)
244 {
245 return GetSavePath(filename + ".json");
246 }
248 public virtual string GetCacheSavePath(string filename)
249 {
250 return GetSavePath(filename + ".cache");
251 }
253 private void InitPrompt(bool clearChat = true)
254 {
255 if (chat != null)
256 {
257 if (clearChat) chat.Clear();
258 }
259 else
260 {
261 chat = new List<ChatMessage>();
262 }
263 ChatMessage promptMessage = new ChatMessage { role = "system", content = prompt };
264 if (chat.Count == 0)
265 {
266 chat.Add(promptMessage);
267 }
268 else
269 {
270 chat[0] = promptMessage;
271 }
272 }
279 public void SetPrompt(string newPrompt, bool clearChat = true)
280 {
282 nKeep = -1;
283 InitPrompt(clearChat);
284 }
286 private bool CheckTemplate()
287 {
288 if (template == null)
289 {
290 LLMUnitySetup.LogError("Template not set!");
291 return false;
292 }
293 return true;
294 }
296 private async Task<bool> InitNKeep()
297 {
298 if (setNKeepToPrompt && nKeep == -1)
299 {
300 if (!CheckTemplate()) return false;
301 string systemPrompt = template.ComputePrompt(new List<ChatMessage>(){chat[0]}, playerName, "", false);
302 List<int> tokens = await Tokenize(systemPrompt);
303 if (tokens == null) return false;
304 SetNKeep(tokens);
305 }
306 return true;
307 }
309 private void InitGrammar()
310 {
311 if (grammar != null && grammar != "")
312 {
313 grammarString = File.ReadAllText(LLMUnitySetup.GetAssetPath(grammar));
314 }
315 }
317 private void SetNKeep(List<int> tokens)
318 {
319 // set the tokens to keep
320 nKeep = tokens.Count;
321 }
328 {
329 string llmTemplate;
330 if (remote)
331 {
333 }
334 else
335 {
337 }
338 if (llmTemplate != chatTemplate)
339 {
340 chatTemplate = llmTemplate;
341 template = chatTemplate == null ? null : ChatTemplate.GetTemplate(chatTemplate);
342 nKeep = -1;
343 }
344 }
350 public async void SetGrammar(string path)
351 {
353 if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) path = LLMUnitySetup.AddAsset(path);
355 await LLMUnitySetup.AndroidExtractAsset(path, true);
356 grammar = path;
357 InitGrammar();
358 }
360 List<string> GetStopwords()
361 {
362 if (!CheckTemplate()) return null;
363 List<string> stopAll = new List<string>(template.GetStop(playerName, AIName));
364 if (stop != null) stopAll.AddRange(stop);
365 return stopAll;
366 }
368 ChatRequest GenerateRequest(string prompt)
369 {
370 // setup the request struct
372 if (debugPrompt) LLMUnitySetup.Log(prompt);
382 chatRequest.stop = GetStopwords();
400 return chatRequest;
401 }
403 public void AddMessage(string role, string content)
404 {
405 // add the question / answer to the chat list, update prompt
406 chat.Add(new ChatMessage { role = role, content = content });
407 }
409 public void AddPlayerMessage(string content)
410 {
411 AddMessage(playerName, content);
412 }
414 public void AddAIMessage(string content)
415 {
416 AddMessage(AIName, content);
417 }
419 protected string ChatContent(ChatResult result)
420 {
421 // get content from a chat result received from the endpoint
422 return result.content.Trim();
423 }
425 protected string MultiChatContent(MultiChatResult result)
426 {
427 // get content from a chat result received from the endpoint
428 string response = "";
429 foreach (ChatResult resultPart in result.data)
430 {
431 response += resultPart.content;
432 }
433 return response.Trim();
434 }
436 async Task<string> CompletionRequest(string json, Callback<string> callback = null)
437 {
438 string result = "";
439 if (stream)
440 {
441 result = await PostRequest<MultiChatResult, string>(json, "completion", MultiChatContent, callback);
442 }
443 else
444 {
445 result = await PostRequest<ChatResult, string>(json, "completion", ChatContent, callback);
446 }
447 return result;
448 }
450 protected string TemplateContent(TemplateResult result)
451 {
452 // get content from a char result received from the endpoint in open AI format
453 return result.template;
454 }
456 protected List<int> TokenizeContent(TokenizeResult result)
457 {
458 // get the tokens from a tokenize result received from the endpoint
459 return result.tokens;
460 }
462 protected string DetokenizeContent(TokenizeRequest result)
463 {
464 // get content from a chat result received from the endpoint
465 return result.content;
466 }
468 protected List<float> EmbeddingsContent(EmbeddingsResult result)
469 {
470 // get content from a chat result received from the endpoint
471 return result.embedding;
472 }
474 protected string SlotContent(SlotResult result)
475 {
476 // get the tokens from a tokenize result received from the endpoint
477 return result.filename;
478 }
492 {
493 // handle a chat message by the user
494 // call the callback function while the answer is received
495 // call the completionCallback function when the answer is fully received
497 if (!CheckTemplate()) return null;
498 if (!await InitNKeep()) return null;
500 string json;
501 await chatLock.WaitAsync();
502 try
503 {
504 AddPlayerMessage(query);
505 string prompt = template.ComputePrompt(chat, playerName, AIName);
506 json = JsonUtility.ToJson(GenerateRequest(prompt));
507 chat.RemoveAt(chat.Count - 1);
508 }
509 finally
510 {
511 chatLock.Release();
512 }
514 string result = await CompletionRequest(json, callback);
516 if (addToHistory && result != null)
517 {
518 await chatLock.WaitAsync();
519 try
520 {
521 AddPlayerMessage(query);
522 AddAIMessage(result);
523 }
524 finally
525 {
526 chatLock.Release();
527 }
528 if (save != "") _ = Save(save);
529 }
531 completionCallback?.Invoke();
532 return result;
533 }
545 {
546 // handle a completion request by the user
547 // call the callback function while the answer is received
548 // call the completionCallback function when the answer is fully received
551 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(GenerateRequest(prompt));
552 string result = await CompletionRequest(json, callback);
553 completionCallback?.Invoke();
554 return result;
555 }
568 {
570 if (!CheckTemplate()) return;
571 if (!await InitNKeep()) return;
573 string prompt = template.ComputePrompt(chat, playerName, AIName);
574 ChatRequest request = GenerateRequest(prompt);
576 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(request);
577 await CompletionRequest(json);
578 completionCallback?.Invoke();
579 }
586 {
587 return await PostRequest<TemplateResult, string>("{}", "template", TemplateContent);
588 }
596 public async Task<List<int>> Tokenize(string query, Callback<List<int>> callback = null)
597 {
598 // handle the tokenization of a message by the user
601 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(tokenizeRequest);
602 return await PostRequest<TokenizeResult, List<int>>(json, "tokenize", TokenizeContent, callback);
603 }
612 {
613 // handle the detokenization of a message by the user
616 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(tokenizeRequest);
617 return await PostRequest<TokenizeRequest, string>(json, "detokenize", DetokenizeContent, callback);
618 }
627 {
628 // handle the tokenization of a message by the user
631 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(tokenizeRequest);
632 return await PostRequest<EmbeddingsResult, List<float>>(json, "embeddings", EmbeddingsContent, callback);
633 }
635 protected async Task<string> Slot(string filepath, string action)
636 {
641 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(slotRequest);
642 return await PostRequest<SlotResult, string>(json, "slots", SlotContent);
643 }
650 public virtual async Task<string> Save(string filename)
651 {
652 string filepath = GetJsonSavePath(filename);
653 string dirname = Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath);
654 if (!Directory.Exists(dirname)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dirname);
655 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(new ChatListWrapper { chat = chat.GetRange(1, chat.Count - 1) });
656 File.WriteAllText(filepath, json);
658 string cachepath = GetCacheSavePath(filename);
659 if (remote || !saveCache) return null;
660 string result = await Slot(cachepath, "save");
661 return result;
662 }
669 public virtual async Task<string> Load(string filename)
670 {
671 string filepath = GetJsonSavePath(filename);
672 if (!File.Exists(filepath))
673 {
674 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"File {filepath} does not exist.");
675 return null;
676 }
677 string json = File.ReadAllText(filepath);
679 InitPrompt(true);
680 chat.AddRange(chatHistory);
681 LLMUnitySetup.Log($"Loaded {filepath}");
683 string cachepath = GetCacheSavePath(filename);
684 if (remote || !saveCache || !File.Exists(GetSavePath(cachepath))) return null;
685 string result = await Slot(cachepath, "restore");
686 return result;
687 }
689 protected Ret ConvertContent<Res, Ret>(string response, ContentCallback<Res, Ret> getContent = null)
690 {
691 // template function to convert the json received and get the content
692 if (response == null) return default;
693 response = response.Trim();
694 if (response.StartsWith("data: "))
695 {
696 string responseArray = "";
697 foreach (string responsePart in response.Replace("\n\n", "").Split("data: "))
698 {
699 if (responsePart == "") continue;
700 if (responseArray != "") responseArray += ",\n";
702 }
703 response = $"{{\"data\": [{responseArray}]}}";
704 }
705 return getContent(JsonUtility.FromJson<Res>(response));
706 }
708 protected void CancelRequestsLocal()
709 {
710 if (slot >= 0) llm.CancelRequest(slot);
711 }
713 protected void CancelRequestsRemote()
714 {
716 {
717 request.Abort();
718 }
719 WIPRequests.Clear();
720 }
725 // <summary>
726 public void CancelRequests()
727 {
728 if (remote) CancelRequestsRemote();
729 else CancelRequestsLocal();
730 }
732 protected async Task<Ret> PostRequestLocal<Res, Ret>(string json, string endpoint, ContentCallback<Res, Ret> getContent, Callback<Ret> callback = null)
733 {
734 // send a post request to the server and call the relevant callbacks to convert the received content and handle it
735 // this function has streaming functionality i.e. handles the answer while it is being received
736 string callResult = null;
737 bool callbackCalled = false;
738 while (!llm.failed && !llm.started) await Task.Yield();
739 switch (endpoint)
740 {
741 case "tokenize":
743 break;
744 case "detokenize":
746 break;
747 case "embeddings":
749 break;
750 case "slots":
752 break;
753 case "completion":
755 if (stream && callback != null)
756 {
757 if (typeof(Ret) == typeof(string))
758 {
760 {
762 };
763 }
764 else
765 {
766 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"wrong callback type, should be string");
767 }
768 callbackCalled = true;
769 }
771 break;
772 default:
773 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"Unknown endpoint {endpoint}");
774 break;
775 }
778 if (!callbackCalled) callback?.Invoke(result);
779 return result;
780 }
782 protected async Task<Ret> PostRequestRemote<Res, Ret>(string json, string endpoint, ContentCallback<Res, Ret> getContent, Callback<Ret> callback = null)
783 {
784 // send a post request to the server and call the relevant callbacks to convert the received content and handle it
785 // this function has streaming functionality i.e. handles the answer while it is being received
786 if (endpoint == "slots")
787 {
788 LLMUnitySetup.LogError("Saving and loading is not currently supported in remote setting");
789 return default;
790 }
792 Ret result = default;
793 byte[] jsonToSend = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(json);
795 string error = null;
796 int tryNr = numRetries;
798 while (tryNr != 0)
799 {
800 using (request = UnityWebRequest.Put($"{host}:{port}/{endpoint}", jsonToSend))
801 {
802 WIPRequests.Add(request);
804 request.method = "POST";
805 if (requestHeaders != null)
806 {
807 for (int i = 0; i < requestHeaders.Count; i++)
808 request.SetRequestHeader(requestHeaders[i].Item1, requestHeaders[i].Item2);
809 }
811 // Start the request asynchronously
812 var asyncOperation = request.SendWebRequest();
813 float lastProgress = 0f;
814 // Continue updating progress until the request is completed
815 while (!asyncOperation.isDone)
816 {
817 float currentProgress = request.downloadProgress;
818 // Check if progress has changed
819 if (currentProgress != lastProgress && callback != null)
820 {
821 try
822 {
823 callback?.Invoke(ConvertContent(request.downloadHandler.text, getContent));
824 }
825 catch (Exception) {}
827 }
828 // Wait for the next frame
829 await Task.Yield();
830 }
831 WIPRequests.Remove(request);
832 if (request.result == UnityWebRequest.Result.Success)
833 {
834 result = ConvertContent(request.downloadHandler.text, getContent);
835 error = null;
836 break;
837 }
838 else
839 {
840 result = default;
841 error = request.error;
842 if (request.responseCode == (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized) break;
843 }
844 }
845 tryNr--;
846 if (tryNr > 0) await Task.Delay(200 * (numRetries - tryNr));
847 }
849 if (error != null) LLMUnitySetup.LogError(error);
850 callback?.Invoke(result);
851 return result;
852 }
854 protected async Task<Ret> PostRequest<Res, Ret>(string json, string endpoint, ContentCallback<Res, Ret> getContent, Callback<Ret> callback = null)
855 {
858 }
859 }
862 [Serializable]
863 public class ChatListWrapper
864 {
865 public List<ChatMessage> chat;
866 }
Class implementing the skeleton of a chat template.
static ChatTemplate GetTemplate(string template)
Creates the chat template based on the provided chat template name.
Class implementing the LLM characters.
bool cachePrompt
option to cache the prompt as it is being created by the chat to avoid reprocessing the entire prompt...
LLM llm
the LLM object to use
int slot
specify which slot of the server to use for computation (affects caching)
void Awake()
The Unity Awake function that initializes the state before the application starts....
void CancelRequests()
Cancel the ongoing requests e.g. Chat, Complete.
List< string > stop
stopwords to stop the LLM in addition to the default stopwords from the chat template.
float topP
top-p sampling (1.0 = disabled). The top p value controls the cumulative probability of generated tok...
string AIName
the name of the AI
int nProbs
if greater than 0, the response also contains the probabilities of top N tokens for each generated to...
bool ignoreEos
ignore end of stream token and continue generating.
async Task< List< float > > Embeddings(string query, Callback< List< float > > callback=null)
Computes the embeddings of the provided input.
float mirostatTau
set the Mirostat target entropy, parameter tau.
int numPredict
number of tokens to predict (-1 = infinity, -2 = until context filled). This is the amount of tokens ...
int numRetries
number of retries to use for the LLM server requests (-1 = infinite)
string prompt
a description of the AI role. This defines the LLMCharacter system prompt
float temperature
LLM temperature, lower values give more deterministic answers. The temperature setting adjusts how ra...
async Task< string > AskTemplate()
Asks the LLM for the chat template to use.
float presencePenalty
repeated token presence penalty (0.0 = disabled). Positive values penalize new tokens based on whethe...
string playerName
the name of the player
async Task Warmup(EmptyCallback completionCallback=null)
Allow to warm-up a model by processing the prompt. The prompt processing will be cached (if cacheProm...
float mirostatEta
set the Mirostat learning rate, parameter eta.
async Task LoadTemplate()
Load the chat template of the LLMCharacter.
float minP
minimum probability for a token to be used. The probability is defined relative to the probability of...
float typicalP
enable locally typical sampling with parameter p (1.0 = disabled).
virtual async Task< string > Load(string filename)
Load the chat history and cache from the provided filename / relative path.
int nKeep
number of tokens to retain from the prompt when the model runs out of context (-1 = LLMCharacter prom...
async Task< string > Detokenize(List< int > tokens, Callback< string > callback=null)
Detokenises the provided tokens to a string.
bool penalizeNl
penalize newline tokens when applying the repeat penalty.
bool debugPrompt
select to log the constructed prompt the Unity Editor.
bool saveCache
toggle to save the LLM cache. This speeds up the prompt calculation but also requires ~100MB of space...
int topK
top-k sampling (0 = disabled). The top k value controls the top k most probable tokens at each step o...
string grammar
grammar file used for the LLM in .cbnf format (relative to the Assets/StreamingAssets folder)
virtual async Task< string > Save(string filename)
Saves the chat history and cache to the provided filename / relative path.
string penaltyPrompt
prompt for the purpose of the penalty evaluation. Can be either null, a string or an array of numbers...
async Task< string > Chat(string query, Callback< string > callback=null, EmptyCallback completionCallback=null, bool addToHistory=true)
Chat functionality of the LLM. It calls the LLM completion based on the provided query including the ...
float repeatPenalty
control the repetition of token sequences in the generated text. The penalty is applied to repeated t...
bool remote
toggle to use remote LLM server or local LLM
bool stream
option to receive the reply from the model as it is produced (recommended!). If it is not selected,...
float frequencyPenalty
repeated token frequency penalty (0.0 = disabled). Positive values penalize new tokens based on their...
string APIKey
allows to use a server with API key
int mirostat
enable Mirostat sampling, controlling perplexity during text generation (0 = disabled,...
string host
host to use for the LLM server
bool advancedOptions
toggle to show/hide advanced options in the GameObject
int port
port to use for the LLM server
bool setNKeepToPrompt
option to set the number of tokens to retain from the prompt (nKeep) based on the LLMCharacter system...
void SetPrompt(string newPrompt, bool clearChat=true)
Set the system prompt for the LLMCharacter.
int repeatLastN
last n tokens to consider for penalizing repetition (0 = disabled, -1 = ctx-size).
int seed
seed for reproducibility. For random results every time set to -1.
float tfsZ
enable tail free sampling with parameter z (1.0 = disabled).
async Task< List< int > > Tokenize(string query, Callback< List< int > > callback=null)
Tokenises the provided query.
Dictionary< int, string > logitBias
the logit bias option allows to manually adjust the likelihood of specific tokens appearing in the ge...
async void SetGrammar(string path)
Set the grammar file of the LLMCharacter.
async Task< string > Complete(string prompt, Callback< string > callback=null, EmptyCallback completionCallback=null)
Pure completion functionality of the LLM. It calls the LLM completion based solely on the provided pr...
string save
file to save the chat history. The file is saved only for Chat calls with addToHistory set to true....
Class implementing helper functions for setup and process management.
Class implementing the LLM server.
Definition LLM.cs:19
int Register(LLMCharacter llmCharacter)
Registers a local LLMCharacter object. This allows to bind the LLMCharacter "client" to a specific sl...
Definition LLM.cs:530
async Task< string > Slot(string json)
Allows to save / restore the state of a slot.
Definition LLM.cs:723
string GetTemplate()
Returns the chat template of the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:361
void CancelRequest(int id_slot)
Allows to cancel the requests in a specific slot of the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:764
int parallelPrompts
number of prompts that can happen in parallel (-1 = number of LLMCharacter objects)
Definition LLM.cs:35
async Task< string > Detokenize(string json)
Detokenises the provided query.
Definition LLM.cs:652
bool started
Boolean set to true if the server has started and is ready to receive requests, false otherwise.
Definition LLM.cs:46
async Task< string > Tokenize(string json)
Tokenises the provided query.
Definition LLM.cs:637
async Task< string > Completion(string json, Callback< string > streamCallback=null)
Allows to use the chat and completion functionality of the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:739
bool failed
Boolean set to true if the server has failed to start.
Definition LLM.cs:48
async Task< string > Embeddings(string json)
Computes the embeddings of the provided query.
Definition LLM.cs:667