LLM for Unity  v2.2.5
Create characters in Unity with LLMs!
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
3using System;
4using System.Collections.Generic;
5using System.IO;
6using System.Threading;
7using System.Threading.Tasks;
8using UnityEditor;
9using UnityEngine;
11namespace LLMUnity
13 [DefaultExecutionOrder(-1)]
18 public class LLM : MonoBehaviour
19 {
21 [HideInInspector] public bool advancedOptions = false;
23 [LocalRemote] public bool remote = false;
25 [Remote] public int port = 13333;
27 [LLM] public int numThreads = -1;
31 [LLM] public int numGPULayers = 0;
33 [LLM] public bool debug = false;
35 [LLMAdvanced] public int parallelPrompts = -1;
37 [LLMAdvanced] public bool dontDestroyOnLoad = true;
40 [DynamicRange("minContextLength", "maxContextLength", false), Model] public int contextSize = 8192;
42 [ModelAdvanced] public int batchSize = 512;
44 [TextArea(5, 10), ChatAdvanced] public string basePrompt = "";
46 public bool started { get; protected set; } = false;
48 public bool failed { get; protected set; } = false;
50 public static bool modelSetupFailed { get; protected set; } = false;
52 public static bool modelSetupComplete { get; protected set; } = false;
56 [ModelAdvanced] public string model = "";
58 [ModelAdvanced] public string chatTemplate = ChatTemplate.DefaultTemplate;
61 [ModelAdvanced] public string lora = "";
63 [ModelAdvanced] public string loraWeights = "";
65 [ModelExtras] public bool flashAttention = false;
68 public string APIKey;
69 // SSL certificate
70 [SerializeField]
71 private string SSLCert = "";
72 public string SSLCertPath = "";
73 // SSL key
74 [SerializeField]
75 private string SSLKey = "";
76 public string SSLKeyPath = "";
79 public int minContextLength = 0;
80 public int maxContextLength = 0;
82 IntPtr LLMObject = IntPtr.Zero;
83 List<LLMCharacter> clients = new List<LLMCharacter>();
84 LLMLib llmlib;
85 StreamWrapper logStreamWrapper = null;
86 Thread llmThread = null;
87 List<StreamWrapper> streamWrappers = new List<StreamWrapper>();
88 public LLMManager llmManager = new LLMManager();
89 private readonly object startLock = new object();
90 static readonly object staticLock = new object();
91 public LoraManager loraManager = new LoraManager();
92 string loraPre = "";
93 string loraWeightsPre = "";
97 public LLM()
98 {
99 LLMManager.Register(this);
100 }
102 void OnValidate()
103 {
104 if (lora != loraPre || loraWeights != loraWeightsPre)
105 {
106 loraManager.FromStrings(lora, loraWeights);
107 (loraPre, loraWeightsPre) = (lora, loraWeights);
108 }
109 }
115 public async void Awake()
116 {
117 if (!enabled) return;
119 modelSetupFailed = !await LLMManager.Setup();
121 modelSetupComplete = true;
123 {
124 failed = true;
125 return;
126 }
127 string arguments = GetLlamaccpArguments();
128 if (arguments == null)
129 {
130 failed = true;
131 return;
132 }
133 await Task.Run(() => StartLLMServer(arguments));
134 if (!started) return;
135 if (dontDestroyOnLoad) DontDestroyOnLoad(transform.root.gameObject);
136 if (basePrompt != "") await SetBasePrompt(basePrompt);
137 }
139 public async Task WaitUntilReady()
140 {
141 while (!started) await Task.Yield();
142 }
144 public static async Task<bool> WaitUntilModelSetup(Callback<float> downloadProgressCallback = null)
145 {
146 if (downloadProgressCallback != null) LLMManager.downloadProgressCallbacks.Add(downloadProgressCallback);
147 while (!modelSetupComplete) await Task.Yield();
148 return !modelSetupFailed;
149 }
151 public static string GetLLMManagerAsset(string path)
152 {
154 if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) return GetLLMManagerAssetEditor(path);
156 return GetLLMManagerAssetRuntime(path);
157 }
159 public static string GetLLMManagerAssetEditor(string path)
160 {
161 // empty
162 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return path;
163 // LLMManager - return location the file will be stored in StreamingAssets
164 ModelEntry modelEntry = LLMManager.Get(path);
165 if (modelEntry != null) return modelEntry.filename;
166 // StreamingAssets - return relative location within StreamingAssets
167 string assetPath = LLMUnitySetup.GetAssetPath(path); // Note: this will return the full path if a full path is passed
168 string basePath = LLMUnitySetup.GetAssetPath();
169 if (File.Exists(assetPath))
170 {
171 if (LLMUnitySetup.IsSubPath(assetPath, basePath)) return LLMUnitySetup.RelativePath(assetPath, basePath);
172 }
173 // full path
174 if (!File.Exists(assetPath))
175 {
176 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"Model {path} was not found.");
177 }
178 else
179 {
180 string errorMessage = $"The model {path} was loaded locally. You can include it in the build in one of these ways:";
181 errorMessage += $"\n-Copy the model inside the StreamingAssets folder and use its StreamingAssets path";
182 errorMessage += $"\n-Load the model with the model manager inside the LLM GameObject and use its filename";
183 LLMUnitySetup.LogWarning(errorMessage);
184 }
185 return path;
186 }
188 public static string GetLLMManagerAssetRuntime(string path)
189 {
190 // empty
191 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return path;
192 // LLMManager
193 string managerPath = LLMManager.GetAssetPath(path);
194 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(managerPath) && File.Exists(managerPath)) return managerPath;
195 // StreamingAssets
196 string assetPath = LLMUnitySetup.GetAssetPath(path);
197 if (File.Exists(assetPath)) return assetPath;
198 // give up
199 return path;
200 }
208 public void SetModel(string path)
209 {
210 model = GetLLMManagerAsset(path);
211 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model))
212 {
213 ModelEntry modelEntry = LLMManager.Get(model);
214 if (modelEntry == null) modelEntry = new ModelEntry(GetLLMManagerAssetRuntime(model));
215 SetTemplate(modelEntry.chatTemplate);
217 maxContextLength = modelEntry.contextLength;
218 if (contextSize > maxContextLength) contextSize = maxContextLength;
219 if (contextSize == 0 && modelEntry.contextLength > 32768)
220 {
221 LLMUnitySetup.LogWarning($"The model {path} has very large context size ({modelEntry.contextLength}), consider setting it to a smaller value (<=32768) to avoid filling up the RAM");
222 }
223 }
225 if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) EditorUtility.SetDirty(this);
227 }
235 public void SetLora(string path, float weight = 1)
236 {
237 AssertNotStarted();
238 loraManager.Clear();
239 AddLora(path, weight);
240 }
248 public void AddLora(string path, float weight = 1)
249 {
250 AssertNotStarted();
251 loraManager.Add(path, weight);
252 UpdateLoras();
253 }
260 public void RemoveLora(string path)
261 {
262 AssertNotStarted();
263 loraManager.Remove(path);
264 UpdateLoras();
265 }
270 public void RemoveLoras()
271 {
272 AssertNotStarted();
273 loraManager.Clear();
274 UpdateLoras();
275 }
282 public void SetLoraWeight(string path, float weight)
283 {
284 loraManager.SetWeight(path, weight);
285 UpdateLoras();
286 if (started) ApplyLoras();
287 }
293 public void SetLoraWeights(Dictionary<string, float> loraToWeight)
294 {
295 foreach (KeyValuePair<string, float> entry in loraToWeight) loraManager.SetWeight(entry.Key, entry.Value);
296 UpdateLoras();
297 if (started) ApplyLoras();
298 }
300 public void UpdateLoras()
301 {
302 (lora, loraWeights) = loraManager.ToStrings();
303 (loraPre, loraWeightsPre) = (lora, loraWeights);
305 if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) EditorUtility.SetDirty(this);
307 }
313 public void SetTemplate(string templateName, bool setDirty = true)
314 {
315 chatTemplate = templateName;
316 if (started) llmlib?.LLM_SetTemplate(LLMObject, chatTemplate);
318 if (setDirty && !EditorApplication.isPlaying) EditorUtility.SetDirty(this);
320 }
324 string ReadFileContents(string path)
325 {
326 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) return "";
327 else if (!File.Exists(path))
328 {
329 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"File {path} not found!");
330 return "";
331 }
332 return File.ReadAllText(path);
333 }
341 public void SetSSLCert(string path)
342 {
343 SSLCertPath = path;
344 SSLCert = ReadFileContents(path);
345 }
351 public void SetSSLKey(string path)
352 {
353 SSLKeyPath = path;
354 SSLKey = ReadFileContents(path);
355 }
361 public string GetTemplate()
362 {
363 return chatTemplate;
364 }
366 protected virtual string GetLlamaccpArguments()
367 {
368 // Start the LLM server in a cross-platform way
369 if ((SSLCert != "" && SSLKey == "") || (SSLCert == "" && SSLKey != ""))
370 {
371 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"Both SSL certificate and key need to be provided!");
372 return null;
373 }
375 if (model == "")
376 {
377 LLMUnitySetup.LogError("No model file provided!");
378 return null;
379 }
380 string modelPath = GetLLMManagerAssetRuntime(model);
381 if (!File.Exists(modelPath))
382 {
383 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"File {modelPath} not found!");
384 return null;
385 }
387 loraManager.FromStrings(lora, loraWeights);
388 string loraArgument = "";
389 foreach (string lora in loraManager.GetLoras())
390 {
391 string loraPath = GetLLMManagerAssetRuntime(lora);
392 if (!File.Exists(loraPath))
393 {
394 LLMUnitySetup.LogError($"File {loraPath} not found!");
395 return null;
396 }
397 loraArgument += $" --lora \"{loraPath}\"";
398 }
400 int numThreadsToUse = numThreads;
401 if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android && numThreads <= 0) numThreadsToUse = LLMUnitySetup.AndroidGetNumBigCores();
403 int slots = GetNumClients();
404 string arguments = $"-m \"{modelPath}\" -c {contextSize} -b {batchSize} --log-disable -np {slots}";
405 if (remote)
406 {
407 arguments += $" --port {port} --host";
408 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(APIKey)) arguments += $" --api-key {APIKey}";
409 }
410 if (numThreadsToUse > 0) arguments += $" -t {numThreadsToUse}";
411 arguments += loraArgument;
412 arguments += $" -ngl {numGPULayers}";
413 if (LLMUnitySetup.FullLlamaLib && flashAttention) arguments += $" --flash-attn";
415 // the following is the equivalent for running from command line
416 string serverCommand;
417 if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer) serverCommand = "undreamai_server.exe";
418 else serverCommand = "./undreamai_server";
419 serverCommand += " " + arguments;
420 serverCommand += $" --template \"{chatTemplate}\"";
421 if (remote && SSLCert != "" && SSLKey != "") serverCommand += $" --ssl-cert-file {SSLCertPath} --ssl-key-file {SSLKeyPath}";
422 LLMUnitySetup.Log($"Deploy server command: {serverCommand}");
423 return arguments;
424 }
426 private void SetupLogging()
427 {
428 logStreamWrapper = ConstructStreamWrapper(LLMUnitySetup.LogWarning, true);
429 llmlib?.Logging(logStreamWrapper.GetStringWrapper());
430 }
432 private void StopLogging()
433 {
434 if (logStreamWrapper == null) return;
435 llmlib?.StopLogging();
436 DestroyStreamWrapper(logStreamWrapper);
437 }
439 private void StartLLMServer(string arguments)
440 {
441 started = false;
442 failed = false;
443 bool useGPU = numGPULayers > 0;
445 foreach (string arch in LLMLib.PossibleArchitectures(useGPU))
446 {
447 string error;
448 try
449 {
450 InitLib(arch);
451 InitService(arguments);
452 LLMUnitySetup.Log($"Using architecture: {arch}");
453 break;
454 }
455 catch (LLMException e)
456 {
457 error = e.Message;
458 Destroy();
459 }
460 catch (DestroyException)
461 {
462 break;
463 }
464 catch (Exception e)
465 {
466 error = $"{e.GetType()}: {e.Message}";
467 }
468 LLMUnitySetup.Log($"Tried architecture: {arch}, " + error);
469 }
470 if (llmlib == null)
471 {
472 LLMUnitySetup.LogError("LLM service couldn't be created");
473 failed = true;
474 return;
475 }
476 CallWithLock(StartService);
477 LLMUnitySetup.Log("LLM service created");
478 }
480 private void InitLib(string arch)
481 {
482 llmlib = new LLMLib(arch);
483 CheckLLMStatus(false);
484 }
486 void CallWithLock(EmptyCallback fn)
487 {
488 lock (startLock)
489 {
490 if (llmlib == null) throw new DestroyException();
491 fn();
492 }
493 }
495 private void InitService(string arguments)
496 {
497 lock (staticLock)
498 {
499 if (debug) CallWithLock(SetupLogging);
500 CallWithLock(() => { LLMObject = llmlib.LLM_Construct(arguments); });
501 CallWithLock(() => llmlib.LLM_SetTemplate(LLMObject, chatTemplate));
502 if (remote)
503 {
504 if (SSLCert != "" && SSLKey != "")
505 {
506 LLMUnitySetup.Log("Using SSL");
507 CallWithLock(() => llmlib.LLM_SetSSL(LLMObject, SSLCert, SSLKey));
508 }
509 CallWithLock(() => llmlib.LLM_StartServer(LLMObject));
510 }
511 CallWithLock(() => CheckLLMStatus(false));
512 }
513 }
515 private void StartService()
516 {
517 llmThread = new Thread(() => llmlib.LLM_Start(LLMObject));
518 llmThread.Start();
519 while (!llmlib.LLM_Started(LLMObject)) {}
520 ApplyLoras();
521 started = true;
522 }
530 public int Register(LLMCharacter llmCharacter)
531 {
532 clients.Add(llmCharacter);
533 int index = clients.IndexOf(llmCharacter);
534 if (parallelPrompts != -1) return index % parallelPrompts;
535 return index;
536 }
538 protected int GetNumClients()
539 {
540 return Math.Max(parallelPrompts == -1 ? clients.Count : parallelPrompts, 1);
541 }
544 public delegate void LLMStatusCallback(IntPtr LLMObject, IntPtr stringWrapper);
545 public delegate void LLMNoInputReplyCallback(IntPtr LLMObject, IntPtr stringWrapper);
546 public delegate void LLMReplyCallback(IntPtr LLMObject, string json_data, IntPtr stringWrapper);
549 StreamWrapper ConstructStreamWrapper(Callback<string> streamCallback = null, bool clearOnUpdate = false)
550 {
551 StreamWrapper streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(llmlib, streamCallback, clearOnUpdate);
552 streamWrappers.Add(streamWrapper);
553 return streamWrapper;
554 }
556 void DestroyStreamWrapper(StreamWrapper streamWrapper)
557 {
558 streamWrappers.Remove(streamWrapper);
559 streamWrapper.Destroy();
560 }
564 public void Update()
565 {
566 foreach (StreamWrapper streamWrapper in streamWrappers) streamWrapper.Update();
567 }
569 void AssertStarted()
570 {
571 string error = null;
572 if (failed) error = "LLM service couldn't be created";
573 else if (!started) error = "LLM service not started";
574 if (error != null)
575 {
576 LLMUnitySetup.LogError(error);
577 throw new Exception(error);
578 }
579 }
581 void AssertNotStarted()
582 {
583 if (started)
584 {
585 string error = "This method can't be called when the LLM has started";
586 LLMUnitySetup.LogError(error);
587 throw new Exception(error);
588 }
589 }
591 void CheckLLMStatus(bool log = true)
592 {
593 if (llmlib == null) { return; }
594 IntPtr stringWrapper = llmlib.StringWrapper_Construct();
595 int status = llmlib.LLM_Status(LLMObject, stringWrapper);
596 string result = llmlib.GetStringWrapperResult(stringWrapper);
597 llmlib.StringWrapper_Delete(stringWrapper);
598 string message = $"LLM {status}: {result}";
599 if (status > 0)
600 {
601 if (log) LLMUnitySetup.LogError(message);
602 throw new LLMException(message, status);
603 }
604 else if (status < 0)
605 {
606 if (log) LLMUnitySetup.LogWarning(message);
607 }
608 }
610 async Task<string> LLMNoInputReply(LLMNoInputReplyCallback callback)
611 {
612 AssertStarted();
613 IntPtr stringWrapper = llmlib.StringWrapper_Construct();
614 await Task.Run(() => callback(LLMObject, stringWrapper));
615 string result = llmlib?.GetStringWrapperResult(stringWrapper);
616 llmlib?.StringWrapper_Delete(stringWrapper);
617 CheckLLMStatus();
618 return result;
619 }
621 async Task<string> LLMReply(LLMReplyCallback callback, string json)
622 {
623 AssertStarted();
624 IntPtr stringWrapper = llmlib.StringWrapper_Construct();
625 await Task.Run(() => callback(LLMObject, json, stringWrapper));
626 string result = llmlib?.GetStringWrapperResult(stringWrapper);
627 llmlib?.StringWrapper_Delete(stringWrapper);
628 CheckLLMStatus();
629 return result;
630 }
637 public async Task<string> Tokenize(string json)
638 {
639 AssertStarted();
640 LLMReplyCallback callback = (IntPtr LLMObject, string jsonData, IntPtr strWrapper) =>
641 {
642 llmlib.LLM_Tokenize(LLMObject, jsonData, strWrapper);
643 };
644 return await LLMReply(callback, json);
645 }
652 public async Task<string> Detokenize(string json)
653 {
654 AssertStarted();
655 LLMReplyCallback callback = (IntPtr LLMObject, string jsonData, IntPtr strWrapper) =>
656 {
657 llmlib.LLM_Detokenize(LLMObject, jsonData, strWrapper);
658 };
659 return await LLMReply(callback, json);
660 }
667 public async Task<string> Embeddings(string json)
668 {
669 AssertStarted();
670 LLMReplyCallback callback = (IntPtr LLMObject, string jsonData, IntPtr strWrapper) =>
671 {
672 llmlib.LLM_Embeddings(LLMObject, jsonData, strWrapper);
673 };
674 return await LLMReply(callback, json);
675 }
681 public void ApplyLoras()
682 {
683 LoraWeightRequestList loraWeightRequest = new LoraWeightRequestList();
684 loraWeightRequest.loraWeights = new List<LoraWeightRequest>();
685 float[] weights = loraManager.GetWeights();
686 for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
687 {
688 loraWeightRequest.loraWeights.Add(new LoraWeightRequest() { id = i, scale = weights[i] });
689 }
691 string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(loraWeightRequest);
692 int startIndex = json.IndexOf("[");
693 int endIndex = json.LastIndexOf("]") + 1;
694 json = json.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
696 IntPtr stringWrapper = llmlib.StringWrapper_Construct();
697 llmlib.LLM_Lora_Weight(LLMObject, json, stringWrapper);
698 llmlib.StringWrapper_Delete(stringWrapper);
699 }
705 public async Task<List<LoraWeightResult>> ListLoras()
706 {
707 AssertStarted();
708 LLMNoInputReplyCallback callback = (IntPtr LLMObject, IntPtr strWrapper) =>
709 {
710 llmlib.LLM_LoraList(LLMObject, strWrapper);
711 };
712 string json = await LLMNoInputReply(callback);
713 if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) return null;
714 LoraWeightResultList loraRequest = JsonUtility.FromJson<LoraWeightResultList>("{\"loraWeights\": " + json + "}");
715 return loraRequest.loraWeights;
716 }
723 public async Task<string> Slot(string json)
724 {
725 AssertStarted();
726 LLMReplyCallback callback = (IntPtr LLMObject, string jsonData, IntPtr strWrapper) =>
727 {
728 llmlib.LLM_Slot(LLMObject, jsonData, strWrapper);
729 };
730 return await LLMReply(callback, json);
731 }
739 public async Task<string> Completion(string json, Callback<string> streamCallback = null)
740 {
741 AssertStarted();
742 if (streamCallback == null) streamCallback = (string s) => {};
743 StreamWrapper streamWrapper = ConstructStreamWrapper(streamCallback);
744 await Task.Run(() => llmlib.LLM_Completion(LLMObject, json, streamWrapper.GetStringWrapper()));
745 if (!started) return null;
746 streamWrapper.Update();
747 string result = streamWrapper.GetString();
748 DestroyStreamWrapper(streamWrapper);
749 CheckLLMStatus();
750 return result;
751 }
753 public async Task SetBasePrompt(string base_prompt)
754 {
755 AssertStarted();
756 SystemPromptRequest request = new SystemPromptRequest() { system_prompt = base_prompt, prompt = " ", n_predict = 0 };
757 await Completion(JsonUtility.ToJson(request));
758 }
764 public void CancelRequest(int id_slot)
765 {
766 AssertStarted();
767 llmlib?.LLM_Cancel(LLMObject, id_slot);
768 CheckLLMStatus();
769 }
774 public void Destroy()
775 {
776 lock (staticLock)
777 lock (startLock)
778 {
779 try
780 {
781 if (llmlib != null)
782 {
783 if (LLMObject != IntPtr.Zero)
784 {
785 llmlib.LLM_Stop(LLMObject);
786 if (remote) llmlib.LLM_StopServer(LLMObject);
787 StopLogging();
788 llmThread?.Join();
789 llmlib.LLM_Delete(LLMObject);
790 LLMObject = IntPtr.Zero;
791 }
792 llmlib.Destroy();
793 llmlib = null;
794 }
795 started = false;
796 failed = false;
797 }
798 catch (Exception e)
799 {
800 LLMUnitySetup.LogError(e.Message);
801 }
802 }
803 }
809 public void OnDestroy()
810 {
811 Destroy();
812 LLMManager.Unregister(this);
813 }
814 }
Class implementing the skeleton of a chat template.
static string DefaultTemplate
the default template used when it can't be determined ("chatml")
Class implementing the LLM characters.
Class implementing helper functions for setup and process management.
Class implementing the LLM server.
Definition LLM.cs:19
int numGPULayers
number of model layers to offload to the GPU (0 = GPU not used). Use a large number i....
Definition LLM.cs:31
void ApplyLoras()
Sets the lora scale, only works after the LLM service has started.
Definition LLM.cs:681
int Register(LLMCharacter llmCharacter)
Registers a local LLMCharacter object. This allows to bind the LLMCharacter "client" to a specific sl...
Definition LLM.cs:530
async Task< string > Slot(string json)
Allows to save / restore the state of a slot.
Definition LLM.cs:723
void SetLoraWeights(Dictionary< string, float > loraToWeight)
Allows to change the weights (scale) of the LORA models in the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:293
async Task< List< LoraWeightResult > > ListLoras()
Gets a list of the lora adapters.
Definition LLM.cs:705
string GetTemplate()
Returns the chat template of the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:361
void SetLoraWeight(string path, float weight)
Allows to change the weight (scale) of a LORA model in the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:282
void CancelRequest(int id_slot)
Allows to cancel the requests in a specific slot of the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:764
int parallelPrompts
number of prompts that can happen in parallel (-1 = number of LLMCharacter objects)
Definition LLM.cs:35
bool debug
select to log the output of the LLM in the Unity Editor.
Definition LLM.cs:33
string basePrompt
a base prompt to use as a base for all LLMCharacter objects
Definition LLM.cs:44
async void Awake()
The Unity Awake function that starts the LLM server. The server can be started asynchronously if the ...
Definition LLM.cs:115
async Task< string > Detokenize(string json)
Detokenises the provided query.
Definition LLM.cs:652
void OnDestroy()
The Unity OnDestroy function called when the onbject is destroyed. The function StopProcess is called...
Definition LLM.cs:809
void SetLora(string path, float weight=1)
Allows to set a LORA model to use in the LLM. The model provided is copied to the Assets/StreamingAss...
Definition LLM.cs:235
void AddLora(string path, float weight=1)
Allows to add a LORA model to use in the LLM. The model provided is copied to the Assets/StreamingAss...
Definition LLM.cs:248
bool advancedOptions
toggle to show/hide advanced options in the GameObject
Definition LLM.cs:21
void RemoveLora(string path)
Allows to remove a LORA model from the LLM. Models supported are in .gguf format.
Definition LLM.cs:260
static bool modelSetupFailed
Boolean set to true if the models were not downloaded successfully.
Definition LLM.cs:50
string lora
the paths of the LORA models being used (relative to the Assets/StreamingAssets folder)....
Definition LLM.cs:61
int contextSize
Size of the prompt context (0 = context size of the model). This is the number of tokens the model ca...
Definition LLM.cs:40
int numThreads
number of threads to use (-1 = all)
Definition LLM.cs:27
bool started
Boolean set to true if the server has started and is ready to receive requests, false otherwise.
Definition LLM.cs:46
void SetModel(string path)
Allows to set the model used by the LLM. The model provided is copied to the Assets/StreamingAssets f...
Definition LLM.cs:208
int port
port to use for the LLM server
Definition LLM.cs:25
bool remote
toggle to enable remote server functionality
Definition LLM.cs:23
void SetSSLCert(string path)
Use a SSL certificate for the LLM server.
Definition LLM.cs:341
void RemoveLoras()
Allows to remove all LORA models from the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:270
bool dontDestroyOnLoad
select to not destroy the LLM GameObject when loading a new Scene.
Definition LLM.cs:37
string model
the LLM model to use. Models with .gguf format are allowed.
Definition LLM.cs:56
string APIKey
API key to use for the server (optional)
Definition LLM.cs:68
async Task< string > Tokenize(string json)
Tokenises the provided query.
Definition LLM.cs:637
int batchSize
Batch size for prompt processing.
Definition LLM.cs:42
void SetSSLKey(string path)
Use a SSL key for the LLM server.
Definition LLM.cs:351
string chatTemplate
Chat template used for the model.
Definition LLM.cs:58
bool flashAttention
enable use of flash attention
Definition LLM.cs:65
async Task< string > Completion(string json, Callback< string > streamCallback=null)
Allows to use the chat and completion functionality of the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:739
static bool modelSetupComplete
Boolean set to true if the server has started and is ready to receive requests, false otherwise.
Definition LLM.cs:52
void SetTemplate(string templateName, bool setDirty=true)
Set the chat template for the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:313
void Destroy()
Stops and destroys the LLM.
Definition LLM.cs:774
void Update()
The Unity Update function. It is used to retrieve the LLM replies.
Definition LLM.cs:564
string loraWeights
the weights of the LORA models being used.
Definition LLM.cs:63
bool failed
Boolean set to true if the server has failed to start.
Definition LLM.cs:48
async Task< string > Embeddings(string json)
Computes the embeddings of the provided query.
Definition LLM.cs:667